
I was asked when I started using github copilot – their “AI” tool for helping write code. Here is the note I remember writing when I first turned it on:

Kurt Feb 21st, 2023 at 8:41 AM
This morning I needed to set the default value of an existing column. Instead of looking it up [on api dock] I wrote a comment and copilot filled in the line. It got it right except <plural variable name> instead of our <singular variable name>.  That’s pretty useful.

For context, that would have taken me 5 minutes to look up and sort out all the options and all that stuff.

DTW 2024

I went to Dice Tower West again this year – with Ellyn! Hung out with friends. Played a whole bunch of games. Had fun! Game highlights include Scout (card game we bought last year) and Fury Road.



I’m not sure how to describe this game. A lot of the experience is the giant board and felt rugs that you lay down on the giant “board”. I’d play the first retry just to figure out if there is a valid strategy to do better.

The Vale of Eternity

Kind of a card combo game – a little like Dominion, but with a deck you’re going through instead of a known set of cards to draw from. I worry that replays will make a big difference in how well you can build your power set and that will be a giant advantage against new players. I’d play it again.

Forest Shuffle

Another card combo game. It’s cute – you place tree cards and then associate various animals (mostly) with those trees. It has an interesting mechanic for the animal cards – they are all split in half either horizontally or vertically (with different animals on each half) so you only use one half of it. I’d like to see that mechanic in another game. I’d play it again if others wanted to.


If you’ve played Wingspan then you’ve just about played Wyrmspam. It’s about the same game with a couple of tweaks. And without the birds. Folks that like Wingspan for the birds don’t care for Wyrmspan. Folks that like Wingspans mechanics maybe like Wyrmspan. I didn’t care for Wingspan and don’t care for this one. I would avoid this game.

Robot Quest Arena

This is RoboRally for 8 year olds. It was not horrible. I’d play this with 8 year olds. I would totally play RoboRally.

Robinson Crusoe

Co-op survival game (which is kind of my bag). It was complicated, took too long, was hard to read the type on the cards. We lost at the very end but realized after the fact that we had a few abilities/cards that would have let us win. It was just too much of a pain to keep track of. Won’t be playing that again.


Card-combo with a splash of Settlers of Catan. This is another card combo where it seems like knowing the contents of the deck would be a huge advantage. It didn’t help that we started playing with the contents of one of the expansions – but we didn’t know that – and we didn’t have the rules for the expansions. Either way, I would avoid this game.

Vendetta Thunder Road

This was a con highlight! A bit like car wars light. It has some obvious mechanical flaws – you can gang up on folks, so it’s subject to the popularity contest. That said, if you heard a bunch of folks hooting and hollering and having a great time at the con, they were playing this game. I hear there is an expansion that adds more silliness and no real complexity. If the box were not big, I would buy this game. I would jump at playin again.

World Wonders

Competitive solitaire. Building and road placement on your own board but competing for tile draws. Ellyn really dug it and got a copy. I got thrashed at this the only time I played it. I’ll be playing it again, though I generally like my competitive solitaire to be more competitive.

Everdell Farshore

Card combo and worker placement. Yet another combo game where knowing the deck is a huge advantage. I’d play this again if others really wanted to, but I’d aim away from it. Though the art is super cute.

Empire’s End

Often compared to the game “No Thanks” – anti-auction game where you bid on NOT taking the disasters. The person who takes the disaster then gets all the bids that were made to avoid it as well. I just don’t care for fail games as a rule – where you’re trying not to do the worst.

I have changed my tune

When I’m in the kitchen doing the dishes or making dinner or whatever, I don’t hum a little tune. Yodoh doh-doh dodee doh… Some other times as well, but mostly while doing kitchen things. It’s not something I think about, it’s just something I do – have done for years and years. Always the same tune. Maybe a little variation in the second or third verse – if I get around to them.

At times I have wondered where it came from. I have no idea if it came from anywhere. I have never made a real effort to figure it out, but it’s not a tune that Ellyn recognizes. It’s the Kurt fussing in the kitchen tune.

Maybe a couple of months ago, I started another tune. Doopee doopee doop-doop-doo doopee doo doopee doo… I didn’t think anything of it; a little surprised. But when fussing in the kitchen the new tune stuck. And I had trouble even remembering the old tune. I have no idea where the new tune came from, but it seems to be my new tune.

After years, maybe decades, I have changed my tune. Not on purpose, but suddenly and seemingly permanently. Which feels weird.

We’ve all heard the expression that someone has changed their tune. Is this where it comes from? Do [some] other people have little tunes in their heads that suddenly change? I’d never given the expression much though, but now I really wonder.

Cruise? No thanks.

We went on a Viking river cruise (the Daube) the other week. It was .. nice? But I would not do it again. At least not in the foreseeable future.


Covid is still a thing. Yeah, folks are vaccinated (and it’s a requirement for the cruise – but nobody actually checked). But the cruise experience is still (as a co-worker said) a floating petri dish. You are sitting down, indoors, for 1-3 meals per day at a table with 4-8 strangers being served by the same staff for a week straight. The river cruise is just about 200 passengers (plus staff) – not the thousands you can get on Disney ocean cruises. In addition, you will be riding busses with these folks to and fro. And every single one of them travelled through some number of airports. And not a one of them wore a mask. Covid is almost certainly not going to kill you, but it is still a highly contagious cold that will knock you on your ass for days.


Viking, at least, will tend to screw you if you change passengers (add/remove/swap). It seems like if you want to swap a passenger ahead of the cruise it should be trivial. It ain’t. In addition, cruises tend to be booked many months ahead of time. It makes sense – it’s just a big negative in my book.

Daily lock-in

There are some things you can add up to the last minute – but not many. Most things need at least 24 hours notice; and usually if you drop something (even days ahead) there is no refund. In addition, you’re only at that port for one day – tops. If you pass on something then that’s probably it. The events you’re given access to through the cruise are mostly trivial to find without the cruise. I much prefer to be able to decide when I’m going to do the city bus tour, when I’m going to grab the fancy meal out, when I’m going to do the day trip to the UNESCO site half a day away once I’m at the place. Depending on the weather, energy levels, etc. Yes, if you’re going to Vienna you have to book the concert ahead of time – probably! But most things can be juggled up to the day if you’re doing it yourself.

In short, I like to stay in a place at least 3-4 days. Get a bit of a feel for the place. See the big tourist thing and also some of the really local stuff. Cook some of my own meals with local groceries.

The cruise had this weird grown-up disney or vegas feel. You get on a bus, go somewhere, see a thing, bus back to the ship, dine & drink and off to the next port. I guess if you just want to splash on the surface then that’s fine. Or if you’re sampling for where you really want to go back to and spend time then maybe. But I don’t do trips often enough; I want to find 2-3 places I really want to spend time, line them up, and then spend 3-4 days at each (with probably a day of travel between).

Dice Tower West

I went to Dice Tower West last week to hang out with friends (mostly from Southern California) and play board games. I had a great time! Vegas is super weird, though. Kind of wish the con had been somewhere else.

Some games I played:

Planet Unknown

Competitive solitaire game.  A little bit tetris, a little bit worker placement.  The placement part is on your own board; I like my games to be less solitaire.

I’d play it again, but I would not reach for it.  

Foundations of Rome

Crazy overproduced map placement game.  Beautiful 3d pieces.  Very straight forward to learn, harder to figure out how to score well.  

I’d play it again.

Cthulhu: Death May Die

This was my favorite game of the con.  It’s a pretty standard Cthulhu co-op adventure game – you play one of about a dozen characters trying to stop the bad guys from doing the bad thing and battling cthuloid minions and monsters along the way.  You lose sanity while doing so – which makes you more powerful right up until it kills you.  I think there were 2 boss options and about 10 scenarios to choose from and you shuffle the cards for each along with the base set.  The writing is fabulous, it’s easy to dive in – trivial if one person has played before.  A really solid game.  From what folks said, winning is pretty rare, but we won our first game; got smashed our second game.  Part of it came down to character and [random] insanity pick for the characters – which happened to work well for the first game and against us for the second.

I’d buy a copy, except: seems out of print and Ellyn has a real aversion to co-op games where screwing up screws the team – and this is an ‘often lose’ game.

Heat: Pedal to the Metal

Deck based racing game.  Fairly simple mechanics – including some solid last place catch up.  Easy game to learn.  There is just a little bit of random in the draw of cards – but the deck is pretty small so it feels pretty strategic.

I would totally play this again – which is a little odd because I don’t generally go for racing games.  

The Guild of Merchant Explorers

Competitive solitaire map exploration game.  A little bit of deck builder mechanic.  I just didn’t find it at all compelling.

I’d play it again.  Meh.

Century: Golem Edition

This is Century: Spice Road re-themed. And it feels way cleaner and less grey. Collect cards, build your engine and create Golems. Spice Road always seemed totally bland. This game has jelly bean gems! There is something to flavor.

I would totally play this again.

Cat in the Box

An interesting trick taking card game.  There is a board where each played card played (color & number) is tracked – but the cards are all black.  You declare what color the card is when you play it, and each player declares when they are out of a suit – either so they can play trump (red) or because all the numbers left in their hand have already been played in the led color.  It’s a simple game that I suspect has a whole lot of depth.  Quick game; easy to learn.  Probably really hard to master.

I would totally play this again – but I don’t think I’ll pick it up.

Wonderland’s War

This is a bag building area control battle game.  It’s very colorful and thematic and I just don’t care.  Every freaking piece has at least one modifier when placed/used.  We didn’t play the whole game – but we played enough to know that I did not care for it.

Won’t play that again.

Return to Dark Tower

Co-op adventure game (with competitive option) with a mechanical tower that’s linked to a phone/tablet app via bluetooth.  There are 3ish types of actions you can take to help defeat the big baddie in the tower.  This is a game that you’re not going to win the first time through because you have no idea what you’re going to be facing.  I tried to take on one of the beasties and got crushed because it did about 5 times the damage any of us were expecting.  

I would absolutely play this again – but ideally with someone who had played it before so that we would not get totally blindsided.


Worker placement competitive solitaire.  The goal?  Make as much money as you can by buying crude oil, processing it into something more useful, and selling it.  In this day and age, who makes a game like that!?  We just played enough of this to get some feel for the mechanics – then off to lunch.  We didn’t get deep into the mechanics, so I’m not super certain how good they are.

Yeah, I’d play it again.  But I really wish the mechanics were built on a game about another subject.


Competitive solitaire engine builder.  Often compared to Wingspan – and for pretty clear reasons.  You draw cards that you place to build of an engine; they have various powers.  Bottom line – I prefer Wingspan.  Earth felt too complicated.  Ain’t that the truth!

Meh.  I’d play it again.

Dwellings of Eldervale

Area control/unit placement/battle game.  Pretty crunchy euro game.  Played a much shortened version of this at a demo booth.  Not super complicated – though the guy explaining it kinda made it feel like it was.  I think it probably takes 1-2 full play throughs to really get the hang of the details.  I’m just not sure there’s enough fun to justify it.

Yeah, I’d probably play it again – ideally with at least one person who’d already played.


This is like a combination of Gin Rummy and The Great Dalmuti.  Quick game, easy to teach, fun to play.

I wish we’d played this before the last day because I’d totally play this again.  In fact, I may pick up a copy.

Triple Secret Santa

I play Dungeons & Dragons with friends on the internet. I know you’re shocked at how geeky I am. For those that are interested, we use Roll20 and we like it OK. We get together once or twice a week and have a silly fun time. I’ve been doing this off an on for about 4 years, now. Back in 2020 it was really great to have these regular social events.

Toward the middle of 2020 we formed a new group. And at the start of every single session we had audio problems. Someone was too quiet, someone was echoing; everyone knows how that is, now.

So for Christmas I decided to get everyone a headphone/mic combo. Because that solve the problems – if you have headphones, you can hear everything and the mic mostly picks up just what you’re saying. Certainly it doesn’t loop what other folks are saying. And I decided to give them out secretly. Each pair was addressed to the character in game, so folks had some idea. I had most everyone’s address – except one person – whose address I got from another player.

Everyone got theirs except that one person. Then I received a delivery confirmation message *with a picture* of the box on the porch. Still nothing. So I asked the player if that was his address and if those shoes (that were on the porch in the picture) were his. Nope – he had not lived there for nearly a decade. He now lived about 2-3 miles away.

Who had the headphones? All I had was a delivery address in Texas. I tried a few reverse address lookups and they mostly agreed who the home belonged to – a woman with an unusual name. That’s lucky – unique/unusual names are usually pretty easy to look up on the internet. For example, there are about 3 “Kurt Werle”s on the internet.

This woman had an extremely low internet profile, however. The only reference to her that I could find was nearly a decade old – from a newspaper – and it was associated with a gym. I looked up the gym and it seemed to have changed hands. But I decided to give it a shot – so I sent email to the gym’s contact email address and asked if I could get in touch with this lady about a package I’d accidentally sent her.

The email was forwarded to her and she responded and asked what was in the box. Headphones. So I explained the whole thing and told her that if her household had any used for the headphones then they should go ahead and keep them as an early Christmas present – otherwise if they could get it to my friend, that’d be great.

It turns out her younger son was now using them for remote schooling and they were a big hit. So I bought another pair for the player that had moved.

And that’s how I bought a pair of headphones for some kid in Texas.

Media and Medea

This past week I finished three things: the netflixable Stargate series, the Watchmen series (on disk), and listening to George Orwell’s 1984.

Stargate is almost entirely fluff. They throw in a slightly more interesting episode or arc every once in a while, and they will bump into some of the bigger questions, but not much. Mostly it’s save the team/world/child in 30-60 minutes. But there are almost guaranteed explosions, so it’s mildly entertaining. It’s also amusing to see how CGI/special effects improve from season to season.

Watchmen is something altogether different. At some point I learned the Greek myths. I guess that probably started in elementary school; gods, heroes and monsters. I certainly gained a deeper appreciation for them in college, reading some of the classic plays (thank you, Dr. Barker). Regular and supernatural people, visions of the future, events political, natural, and supernatural, and how the characters choose to deal with them; heroically, horribly, successes and failures. For me, Watchmen evoked those themes and characters. Ellyn was frustrated by a foretelling of future events that was not avoided. To me, it was a retelling of a story with the Fates and Furies.

Great acting, some really great shooting, and some amazing music/audio (thanks to Trent Reznor). I highly recommend it.

I read 1984 in high school. It might have actually been 1984. Recently, I was part of a class action suit against because of a jerky thing they did. We won, and as a result I was granted one audio book from a very large limited selection of things that I had absolutely no interest in. But I’ve been meaning to re-read 1984, and that happened to be on the list.

Several things struck me about the book: it’s amazing how anti-Soviet Union it feels. Not so much the USSR of 1948 as that of the 70’s and 80’s. He is really hung up on people’s physical appearance in the book. And I didn’t find it particularly good. But maybe that’s just me conflating good with enjoyable – ’cause enjoyable it ain’t.

It’s certainly an interesting book in what it gets right and what it gets wrong, though. There is so much thought and energy put into controlling the media – all media past and present. Eradicating any scrap of evidence that the party in power was ever wrong. That still seems like a ridiculous idea to me; there is print, there is uncontrolled media, there is memory. So it still feels like he got that wrong. More important than getting it wrong is that it seems to be so totally unnecessary.

What he got right is the terrifying idea: doublethink. That people will willingly believe what they are told and forget what they were told 15 minutes ago. That you can hold up four fingers and declare that they are 5, and people will believe you. There is some terrifyingly large portion of the population that doesn’t care what the record shows, what reality shows. The message is reality.

So, no, 1984 is not an enjoyable read. But if you have not read it, you really probably ought to.

Comets and other c’s

Last night (Friday the 17th), we went out to see the comet. We decided to go ‘up the hill’ since it was foggy at the beach and it seemed likely the murk was going to flow into town. We chose a spot west of Santa Margarita Lake (a bit southeast from the marker on the map) because it is away from anything, pretty flat, and not many trees. We got there about 8:30 – about 15 minutes after sunset. We brought Ellyn’s binoculars and were able to spot the comet by around 9:10. It was about mid way between the big dipper and the horizon. By about 9:30 it was clearly visible to the naked eye – including the big tail. Continued to become more visible as the sky got darker. Great view of the milky way, and Jupiter happened to be at its brightest in the opposite direction. With the binoculars we could see several of Jupiter’s moons. If you can get to a dark sky place in the next few days/week, you should definitely go for it!

Other things:

Cupcakes for my birthday.

Carrots from the garden.

Ridiculously cute cats.


We went to 3 local animal shelters on Saturday. The goal: 2 cats, about 1 year old, probably at least one of them male. The first one was the Cal Poly Cat Program – which was having an open house. It was kind of a zoo. Lots of cats and lots of people. The second place was the Woods Humane Society, SLO. Really nice facility, not a lot of cats. Of course it really doesn’t take many, but we just didn’t find any we really felt attached to. The last one was the Woods Humane society up in Atascadero. Bunch of cats. We spent about 3 hours there.

After that, we headed just a little further North to Paso Robles. I’ve said, many times, that one of the things I miss about the bay area is good Chinese food – and that we don’t have any within 50 miles. Mom went to a place in Paso a week or two ago and said ‘the ladies all liked it!’ It turns out I’ve been lying all this time! There is good Chinese food to be had just 29 miles from home!

On Sunday we returned to Atascadero, spent a little more time with the two cats we had our eyes on, and brought ’em home with us. We were given lots of advice on how long to keep them apart and how to let them meet. But they shared a common area and one of them (Zeke) is so obviously so laid back. After a very frightening ride home, we put them in their respective spaces. About 10 minutes later, one got into the other’s room while we were arranging things. They seemed OK.

Here they are the next day. Zeke is the black one; Henry the other. Zeke is about a year and a half and henry is about a year.

Visiting Orange County

I’m a bit disappointed with how this picture came out. It didn’t look as smoggy as this does. I was down in OC for more than a week, and I was surprised at how clear it was. It seems to me that back in the 80’s the mountain’s didn’t come out so much.

Right after taking this picture I decided to find myself some good chocolate. I looked up chocolatier on my phone and it came up with 3. One was closed (it was coming up on 7PM) and two were Godiva. I certainly didn’t want to go to some mall and visit Godiva.

On a wild hair I decided to call the place that was closed. Guy picks up.
“Oh, hey – google said you’re closed. Are you really open?”
“Yeah. Usually we’re closed by now, but sometimes…”
“Great! How long will you be open?”
“Oh, ’til about 7:30.”
“I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

I get there in about 10 minutes. It’s in one of these light industry strips. I step in and they have the front 12 feet sectioned off as a little store/presentation area. The work obviously goes on in the back. The guy comes up front and greets me.
“Hi! Are you the guy that called a few minutes ago?”
“Here, have some chocolate – what kind would you like? Is this your first time in our store?”
“Something dark, please – yes… And it will probably be my last, too.”

He’s really friendly – maybe just a few years older than I. His wife (obviously) has appeared from the back. He looks at me concerned.
“Oh. Why is that?”
“I live a long ways away from here.”
“How far – where do you live?”
“I live in San Luis Obispo – “
She chimes in: “I left my heart in San Luis Obispo!”

They moved from SLO to Orange County about 30 years ago. Couldn’t find a job in SLO (a common complaint). They’ve been in the chocolate business for 26 years. Still go back to SLO a couple of times a year to visit friends. We chatted for a while; nicest couple you could hope to meet. It was just what I was hoping for in a chocolatier.

If you’re looking for good (and kosher!) chocolate that ships anywhere: